On Warbears Tail: Lacking update, Warwhores deleted, Wiki article flushed! Also: Covet rapes asians.

Hello, and welcome to the first edition of 'On Warbears Tail'. In this feature, we will explore the latest updates in the Warbears universe, and mercilessly mock them. With us today are Captain Oblivious, Howie, Jude, Covet, MrRobot, and Darthy.

Jude: i'm going to answer the ultimate question, guys

Jude: http://www.jmtb02.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1470

Howie: hai


Covet: Yep

Captain Oblivious: I'll read it.

Jude: oh i did add him

Captain Oblivious: Now we can do our friday night feature; 'On Warbears Tail'.

Mr Robot 256: Be right back... reading the ultimate question.

Captain Oblivious: I am too.

Howie: i thought it was on ioji's trail

Captain Oblivious: Let's read the ultamite question first.

Captain Oblivious: Howie: Warbears makes more sense than Ioji.

Covet: Ok, ok

Howie: ok

Jude: wow, ioji rofl

Captain Oblivious: Jude: Amazing.

Captain Oblivious: Okay, the gang is here!

Captain Oblivious: Now we can do our friday night feature; 'On Warbears Tail'.

Captain Oblivious: There was lots of Warbears news to pop up in the last week.

Captain Oblivious: Let's begin with Ioji's extremely lacking update, the addition of the violet district.

Howie: I bought one

Jude: how is it?

Captain Oblivious: To experience how dumb an update it is?

Howie: oui

Captain Oblivious: I heard he just changed where the door is.

Jude: rofl

Jude: yea me too

Captain Oblivious: Over one month, and that's all the guy can come up with?

Howie: actually. it is a 90 degree rotation of a blue apartment.

Covet: whhaaa?

Jude: rofl

Jude: nice

Captain Oblivious: Covet: Ioji added new apartments.

Jude: ioji's incredible

Captain Oblivious: The update sucked.

Captain Oblivious: Jude: In bed?

Jude: nope

Covet: good to know all those donations went to the right place

Mr Robot 256: Well, he worked hard on mission 3. Mission he's roughly 10% done with.

Captain Oblivious: I thought he was 90 percent done.

Jude: yea me too

Covet: who knows

Mr Robot 256: Well, that's what he said.

Jude: nobody knows when they're done with flash

Captain Oblivious: Which brings us to the next update; Ioji's "OMG MISSION 3 IS GOING TO

Covet: lol

Captain Oblivious: Is there any doubt this is going to be a severy step backward for Warbears?

Jude: hmm...

Captain Oblivious: Not that his fanbase won't praise him anyway.

Jude: as long as the update is coming

Captain Oblivious: Er, severy. I are an retarded.

Jude: it will survive

Howie: mission 3 will porbably consist of 20% steve 20% alchohol 20% pizza %20 gun 20%

Captain Oblivious: Howie speaks ultamite truth.

Covet: ...

Jude: tasty pizza

Captain Oblivious: Ioji will find some way to involve beer I bet.


Covet: lol

Mr Robot 256: Don't forget the 1% of the stupid cafeine addicted commander.

Covet: Drunk Kayaking

Howie: lol

Captain Oblivious: We should see if some beer company is paying Ioji to promote beer in a
children's game.

Covet: lol


Covet: I'd like him more if he did that

Covet: more like Bud Kids

Captain Oblivious: Or maybe he's going to introduce Warbeer in real life.

Captain Oblivious: Warbeer: It's beer, for kids!

Covet: lol


Mr Robot 256: Hmm... http://www.4to40.com/images/jokes/sharing_my_beer_with_bear.jpg

Mr Robot 256: They could use this as a commercial.

Covet: wow

Covet: Thats perfect

Howie: oh totally

Captain Oblivious: Saving that.

Jude: rofl

Captain Oblivious: We'll make fun of the dumb name later.

Captain Oblivious: So, what are everyone's predictions for Mission 3?

Jude: let me think

Captain Oblivious: Will Ioji actually include a boss battle?

Jude: hmm...

Covet: I know what it is

Captain Oblivious: Mission 2 was so lacking in a satisfying ending.

Captain Oblivious: I'd laugh if Ioji made ME the boss.

Howie: LOL

Captain Oblivious: "Warbears, destroy Captain Oblivious!"

Howie: That would make it worth it.

Captain Oblivious: I'm sure people will be scrambling to find the hidden scene, depicting Kla and
Steve's passionate love scene on the beach.

Jude: rofl

Covet: lol

Jude: remember

Jude: steve likes girls

Covet: i want passions with a bear on a beach

Captain Oblivious: Jude: Exactly.

Captain Oblivious: Wait, Kla has both parts

Captain Oblivious: My mistake.

Captain Oblivious: Steve WOULD go both ways. He does like caressing his guns an awful lot.

Mr Robot 256: And all this discussion only because ioji messed up the first sprites of Kla when he started creating the game...

Covet: mmm

Covet: hermophraodite

Covet: reminds me of mom

Howie: zing

Captain Oblivious: Covet: Is she your dad too?

Covet: She fertilized herself

Covet: I always wanted a mother

Covet: I had no nipples for licking

Howie: poor covet

Mr Robot 256: Anyway, got to go.

Covet: toodles mr furlong

Captain Oblivious: We'll go on without you.

Captain Oblivious: Haha.

Howie: see you latar

Mr Robot 256: Alright. See ya guys.

Covet: bbbyyyeeee

Jude: see ya

*** Mr Robot 256 has left the conversation.

Howie: SO whats else is new in WB?

Captain Oblivious: Well, Wargirls got deleted.

Howie: ah yes

Captain Oblivious: Poor, poor Wargirls.

Captain Oblivious: Why did Mandy have to pull the trigger?

Howie: I believe she relised how retarded the concept was.

Captain Oblivious: Howie: Well, it only took her four months.

Covet: lol... yeah

Captain Oblivious: And even then, she doesn't realize how sexist it was.

Howie: I like to think by blog post had something to do with it

Jude: hmm...

Captain Oblivious: I hope so.

Captain Oblivious: That'd be epic victory.

Howie: if most girls on there ever read that they’d probably cut themselves

Covet: Yeah

Captain Oblivious: Howie: Nah, we only really make fun of Mandy's post

Howie: true but we signaled there was more to come.

Captain Oblivious: Pre-emptive cutting? They're really out doing themselves

Covet: across the street, not down the road

Covet: err

Covet: other way

Covet: I think

Captain Oblivious: They'd cut themselves regardless

Howie: it is wargirls

Howie: MCR capital of the internet

Captain Oblivious: Wouldn't MCR's site be the MCR capital of the internet?

Captain Oblivious: Warbears is just one of those 'on the GROOOOW' cities in MCRtropolis

Howie: Not even MCR's site has 3 seperate topics about them.

Captain Oblivious: Oh lawd.

Captain Oblivious: Okay, enough about Wargirls.

Captain Oblivious: Now, to the big "OH HELL NAW" news; Warbears had it's wiki page deleted.

Covet: *confetti*

Howie: :D

Captain Oblivious: Warfags are exerpeincing nervous breakdowns now, and some of them want to
attack Wikipedia.

Captain Oblivious: I say we egg them on.

Howie: hehe

Captain Oblivious: Wikipedia is full of jews anyway.

Covet: uhhh... sure?

Captain Oblivious: JEEEEEEWS.

Covet: nigger = jew

Jude: gtg

Jude: cyas

Howie: farewell

*** Jude has left the conversation.

Captain Oblivious: Covet: This is a shocking revelation.

Covet: Yeah

Covet: I always knew the fuckers were in cahoots

Covet: I have proof

Captain Oblivious: Show us this magnificent proof.

Covet: I saw some niggers at the zigarog I set on fire

Covet: Well

Covet: They're all black now

Captain Oblivious: By the way, going to get Darthy in here.

Covet: Cool

Howie: splendid

Captain Oblivious: Jude's space must be filled.

Captain Oblivious: Expandable!

Covet: I was planning a trip to Auswitch. I heard it was a gas

***Darthy has joined the conversation.

Covet: Sometimes i wish i was a nigger

Covet: I want to blame my sucess on someone else

Captain Oblivious: We're not even talking about Warbears anymore, are we?

Howie: meh

Covet: oh right

Covet: War Girls, dumb sluts

Captain Oblivious: I think it's hilarious that Dusty wants to try and attack Encyclopedia Dramatica.

Howie: OH LAWD

Captain Oblivious: What the hell is she even going to do?

Captain Oblivious: She claims she has a team of hackers and everything.

Captain Oblivious: Isn't she 11?

Covet: lulz

Howie: Encyclopedia Dramatica eats 11 year old girls fo' breakfast

Covet: I'd hack a site for her if she posed nude for me

Captain Oblivious: Covet: CP? CP?!

Captain Oblivious: IRL BAN

Covet: lol

Captain Oblivious: No underage cooch for you mister.

Covet: The judge said the same thing

Captain Oblivious: Do your chores first, and then I'll let you hit her up for nudes.

Covet: Fuck the NYPD

Covet: bitches can't stop me


Darthy: NOBODY MO-


Well. Shit.

Darthy: I think we just killed 'em Jim.

Captain Oblivious: You speak now?

Captain Oblivious: I am amazed out of my seat.


Covet: *I'm shaving myself in excitment*

Captain Oblivious: And crumpets.

Captain Oblivious: Are you shaving your SOUUUL?

Covet: what soul

Captain Oblivious: Whoops, my bad.

Howie: is a soul anything like a penis?

Captain Oblivious: Howie: In Covet's case, yes.

Covet: Only that you can stick it in a VCR

Captain Oblivious: Oh snap!


Covet: *someone press record*

Howie: LOL

Captain Oblivious: So anyway.

Captain Oblivious: Anything else in Warbears news?

Howie: uummmm

Covet: ..

Covet: Silence hits the room

Captain Oblivious: Come on, thiiiink.

Covet: I've gone to far

Captain Oblivious: The feds can see what you're doing Covet!

Covet: I know.

Captain Oblivious: You must run away, and become an outlaw.

Covet: I told them to try and stop them.

Captain Oblivious: Buy a horse and a cowboy hat.

Captain Oblivious: But not a cow.

Covet: Fuck the US Government!

Darthy: im watchin' j00

Captain Oblivious: Aaaaah, there's one of them now!

Captain Oblivious: KILL IT, KILL IT WITH FIRE!

Darthy: *Steps back a few paces as an FBI agent kicks through the fourth wall and into his crotch*

Howie: :D

Captain Oblivious: Ooooh.

Captain Oblivious: Covet's down for the count.



Captain Oblivious: FIRE YOUR LAZER



Captain Oblivious: WAIT CHARGE IT FIRST


Captain Oblivious: CHARGE IIIIT

Darthy: FAP TO;

Darthy: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v482/Pokchu/1178934204536.jpg

Covet: mmmm

Covet: very nice

Darthy: Indeed.

Captain Oblivious: I need to wash my eyes with honey.

Covet: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v482/Pokchu/1178934204536.jpg

Covet: Raped her once

Covet: When I was killing villagers in thailand

Captain Oblivious: We stopped talking about WB a long time ago I think.

Captain Oblivious: Well that's all the time we have for today folks!

Howie: typical convo

Covet: oh well

Captain Oblivious: Ahahaha.

Captain Oblivious: Lawd.

Captain Oblivious: BAH EVERYBODY BAH

Captain Oblivious: ------

Captain Oblivious: And that's a wrap.

Captain Oblivious: So, asian titties?