So, I leave for one day and everything goes to shit. Our forum gets removed, the blog is devoid of posts, and I've lost all contact with Ben. Whatever, let's get to the point. This will be my last message, because my unban agreement requires me to quit WFU. So here is the final installment of LTDW. I'll try to cover all the bases that I had planned to write about.

First of all a critical thing I forgot to include in the mcr speech, was the fact that the infamous ssttor [ ] received news about MCR through an MSN notifier (BTW Notifier = Stalker.) I can just picture a USB cord injected into her vein, giving her life support through to-the-minute updates on Mikey Way's dentist appointment. It's also worth pointing out that since WG's deletion, topics in the music section have been revamped with a fresh layer of "I Hart EM CEE ARR."

There's some other things I've wanted to discuss; like the cruelly ironic amount of topics about Boys. "HAY GRRLS WE GOT OUR OWN FORUM. LETS TALK ABOUT BOYS!!1" I mean please, grow up. This isnt a secret club for your immature gossip. It's a forum; meant to produce good conversation. Some people in WB may never understand that. The rest of what I wanted to talk about was either coolsweets lulzery, or other tidbits of stupidity lost in WG's dissapearance.

So with great dignity I would like to announce:


And guys, If you can write some really funny stuff, get more members, rebuild the forum and expand the focus beyond an ioji hate site.; there might be something worthwhile here.
